Agenda item

Christmas 2014: Smithfield Market Traffic Management Plan Update

Report of the Superintendent of Smithfield Market.



The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Smithfield Market, updating on the outcome of the Traffic Management Plan at Smithfield Market for the period leading up to Christmas 2014. The Committee agreed that the plan was successful in minimising congestion and was a vast improvement on the previous year.


A Member asked the Director whether the relaxing of parking charges during Christmas 2014 had been shown to improve customer activity at the market. The Director responded by highlighting that it would be difficult and impractical to gather sufficient data to facilitate meaningful analysis and produce an auditable figure. However, anecdotal evidence indicated that the decreased costs had played a factor in encouraging trade at the market; further, the car park had been much busier than normal. The free parking had also meant that the car park barriers could be left open, thereby assisting with traffic flow and the overall traffic management strategy.


In response to a Member’s query, the Traffic Manager undertook to provide further clarity as to the training undertaken by car park attendants and any relevant accreditation held.


The Committee noted the reputational benefits of the free parking and the well-implemented traffic plan, and it was agreed that Members should receive an update on the efficacy of the Traffic Management Plan each year.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


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