Agenda item

Markets Business Plan Update Period 2 2014/15 (August - November)

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.



Members received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection providing an update on progress made against the Business Plan of the Markets Department for Period 2 (August-November) of 2014-15.


It was noted that the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection was forecasting a year end underspend position of £193k (10%) for his City Fund and City Cash services.


The Chairman noted that long-term sickness had affected a number of individuals within the Smithfield Market Constabulary but that the situation was now described as manageable; the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection advised that the long-term sickness periods had covered a three month period and the affected individuals had now returned to work. He also confirmed that the usual Constabulary headcount at the market was 19.


In response to a query as to why August and October seemed to see more sickness absence than other months, the Director undertook to consult with his department’s HR business partner to see if there were any underlying causes or if this was a normal seasonal trend.


Members also asked for an update on future occupancy at Smithfield Market once vacancies at the Poultry Market had been filled; the Director advised that he would find out what the new occupancy level would be at this point and update Members accordingly.


Members also discussed the efficacy of the charging regime associated with fire safety inspections which had been implemented at Spitalfields Market. The Superintendent advised that the scheme had been received well and witnessed a high level of take up from traders, with only two tenants yet to satisfactorily complete the inspection process.


It was noted that there was a missing full stop in paragraph 4 of the report.,  It was clarified that any underspends within the Billingsgate and Spitalfields Repair & Repainting Fund were returned to the reserve at the end of the year, since these were funded by the tenants’ service charges. However, those underspends relating to works at Smithfield which fell within the Additional Works Programme managed by the City Surveyor were returned to City’s Cash but would normally be ‘rolled over’ to the following year..


Members discussed the self-surrender waste management process at Spitalfields Market and asked whether it was viable to introduce an intermediary charitable organisation so that some of the waste produce could be used for good causes. The Superintendent noted that such an arrangement already existed between individual traders and local charities, and that he encouraged representatives of such organisations to speak directly with traders, but confirmed that there was not a formal arrangement with an existing organisation that the City of London Corporation was involved with. Following debate, Members asked for legal clarification on what exactly the market could and could not do with the waste surrendered to it, with a view to clarifying what would be possible in terms of future action. The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection and the Spitalfields Superintendent agreed to look into the matter and provide clarity in due course.


In response to Members’ questions around filming at the markets, it was noted that the fees received by the markets were determined by a number of factors including the duration and timing of the filming and the inconvenience caused to normal operations. The fees were negotiated individually each time, with the Public Relations Office holding corporate oversight, and were a good source of income generation. The Financial Services Director advised that charging for filming was being looked at as part of the service based review’s focus in to income generating activities, as it was felt that it might be possible to further maximise revenue from this area. Following further queries, the Billingsgate Superintendent agreed to update the Committee outside the meeting on specific details regarding two particular filming/photography charges.


Resolved – That the content of the report be noted.


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