Agenda item

Proposed Revenue Budgets - 2015/16

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Town Clerk regarding the annual submission of the revenue budgets. Members noted that, overall, there was a decrease of £4.537m between the latest 2014/15 budget and the 2015/16 proposed budget largely due to the one-off additional grant initiative of £1m in 2014/15 for the Employability Partnership with Central London Forward and there being no carry forward from 2014/15.


Members queried the 2% allowance for potential pay and price rises and the £77,000 income, and the Chamberlain advised that this related to an increase in staffing and to the secondment of an officer to Wembley National Stadium Trust from whom costs were recovered in full.



(a)  The provisional 2015/16 revenue budget be approved for submission to Finance Committee; and

(b)  The Chamberlain be authorised to revise these budgets to allow for any necessary realignment of funds resulting from corporate projects.

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