Agenda item

Gold Medal Competition

Report of the Principal.


The Board considered a report of the Principal discussing the award format for the Guildhall Gold Medal Competition and proposing a range of alternative options for Members’ consideration.


The Chairman introduced the item by reminding Members of the background to this issue, advising that a question had been asked at a meeting of the Court of Common Council following the previous year’s competition. The thrust of the Member’s question had been that it seemed unfortunate there was no third place prize awarded on the day of the competition, with the implication that there should be more prizes. However, upon reviewing the matter, it had emerged that the clear preference of the School was to decrease the number of prizes in future, so that there was only one prize (the Gold Medal itself).


The Principal thanked the Chairman for his précis, expressing that it was his and the wider School’s strong view upon reflection that the competition should have one only winner. The Gold Medal itself was a highly prestigious award and the current arrangements were somewhat confusing, with the second placed participant receiving a glass trophy and the third placed individual a silver medal. So as to minimise confusion as to who had placed second on the day, the silver medal was not awarded at the ceremony but at a later date. In addition, a modest cash prize was also awarded to the Gold Medal Winner; however, it was widely felt that this was not commensurate with the prestige of the award and, to some extent, diminished the value of the Medal.


Clearly, the current arrangements were therefore unsatisfactory and in need of review and clarification. It was very much the opinion of staff that the Gold Medal was like the FA Cup or the Oscars, prestigious and strengthened through there being a single winner. The Student Union President agreed, observing that students were minded that a single prize would be beneficial in encouraging participants to strive harder to win the sole award.


Members agreed that moving to a situation whereby there was only one award, with no cash prize, was the sensible option and would appropriately reflect the prestige of the Gold Medal competition. However, it was cautioned that any change would require careful liaison with Livery partners who currently provided the cash prize and second place trophy to ensure they were supportive of the proposal and that they did not feel that their much valued support was being rebuffed. The Principal agreed and advised Members that he had held initial discussions with both the Glassmakers’ and Musicians’ Companies, who it seemed were likely to be supportive of the proposals.


Subject to these negotiations with the Livery Companies, it was therefore agreed that the Competition should revert to a single prize from 2016 onwards.


RESOLVED: That the Principal be asked to review arrangements for the Gold Medal Competition so that it adopted a single-prize format from 2016.

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