Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Note of the Town Clerk, including dates of future meetings.


The Town Clerk’s note of outstanding actions was noted, together with the scheduled dates of future meetings.  


It was further noted that a report would be submitted to the October meeting of the Planning and Transportation Committee on the 20mph speed limit in the City informing Members of a reduction in the average speed of traffic in the City of 1.5mph.


Joanna Davidson’s valuable contribution to the work of the Group was noted.


The Group agreed to take Item 15 at this point in the meeting.



The Group noted the report of the Manager of the Community Safety Team attaching a first draft of the Safer City Partnership Plan 2015-2018 which would guide and direct the work of the Partnership over the next three years. It was noted that the plan would be refreshed annually and the Members of the Group were requested to consider and agree the stated ambitions and priorities set out within the draft report.


It was suggested that:-

- health issues for City Residents, including measures to increase GP registration by ex-offenders be included within the plan;

- greater emphasis be given to road safety and fire safety as a priority areas;

- reference be made to new Police operations (Operation Fennel and the Operation relating to homelessness and rough sleeping);

- information on the relationships between the Group and the City and Hackney Safeguarding Board be included in the plan; and

-  further information be provided in plan on the night-time economy, smoking cessation, alcohol related and economic crime and chugging.


RESOLVED – That the ambitions and priorities set out within the draft Plan be approved, subject to further information being provided on the matters referred to above and that Group Members be requested to submit any further comments to the Community Safety Team Manager as soon as possible.

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