Report of the City Surveyor.
The Senior Building Surveyor introduced a report of the City Surveyor on the Hill Garden Pergola. He noted that the proposed work was mainly to address issues of damp and water damage. He added that the proposed budget of £200,000 would require an increase, likely to be achieved through the Additional Works Programme.
Michael Hammerson noted that the previous repair works to the Pergola had not weathered well. The Operational Services Manager agreed that the render had not been properly sealed and this issue was being addressed with the contractor. In response to a further question from Michael Hammerson, the Operational Services Manager agreed to investigate how long the original Hill Garden timbers had lasted. Colin Gregory added that it would be worthwhile establishing the opinion of relevant societies such as the Victorian Society, English Heritage and the Twentieth Century Society on how best to replace the pergola timbers giving consideration to conserving a number of the original timbers.
In response to a query from Ellin Stein, the Chairman replied that English Heritage was unlikely to co-fund repairs to the Pergola.
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