Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.
The Constabulary and Queen’s Park Manager introduced an annual report on the Hampstead Heath Constabulary for 2014. Richard Sumray commented that it was an excellent report and queried the reason why the byelaw offences had seen a significant increase in public nuisance, particularly dog control. The Constabulary Manager replied that this was largely due to improved reporting processes and the Dog Control Action Plan being introduced in March 2014.
On the issue of dog control, Mary Port commented that there were too many dogs and commercial dog walkers on the Heath and queried whether numbers could be restricted. The Constabulary Manager replied that he did not have any powers to restrict, but guidelines did exist for the management of dogs on the Heath. He added that the Constabulary would continue with the Dog Control Action Plan in order to educate persons walking dogs on the issues involved.
Jeremy Wright referred to a paragraph within the report which he felt had been phrased poorly. It read as if poor dog control on the Heath was being associated with commercial dog walkers. He felt the two issues were distinct: instead the two issues were persons exercising poor dog control with one or two dogs, as well as persons walking large groups of dogs. Susan Nettleton added that, in her experience, persons walking large groups of dogs were exercising more control of their dogs of late.
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