Agenda item

Public Conveniences Strategy Update

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk investigating the possibility of providing a non-statutory service of Public Conveniences through City's Cash funding. It outlined the results of the investigation and sought Members views going forward.

Members raised questions over the toilet provision and that the increasing amount of bars and restaurants within the City, should equate to an appropriate amount of facilities. Members enquired further about whether night time provision should also come from the Community Toilet Scheme. The Transportation and Public Realm Director explained that concern over the safety of staff and the clientele that would want to use the facilities to engage in illicit behaviour, which had happened in the past. The Director of Built Environment answered queries on the Community Toilet Scheme explaining that although it was difficult to get feedback, they have used a ‘Red, Amber, Green’ system in order to gather data and have received a reasonable response so far. He went on to advise the committee who agreed that developing larger signage would help raise visibility of toilets in the scheme.

A Member asked the Director of Built Environment for a breakdown of the percentages of pubs and restaurants involved in the scheme, and enquired to how often participants facilities are assessed.  The Director agreed to provide a breakdown of the figures and stated that the toilets were initially inspected quarterly and now were inspected monthly to maintain corporation standards. He further explained that when a business is joining the scheme, officers will judge if it’s reasonable accessible considering the layout and location.

A Member stated that Westminster Council operate 24/7 toilet facilities and questioned why the City was unable to do this. The Director of Built Environment explained that there have been many cases where staff have been made to feel unsafe in these facilities. Furthermore, The Director informed the Committee that fundamentally, it was quite difficult to get businesses to join the Community Toilet Scheme and that was what the Corporation was working towards.

In response to a Member’s concerns about public urination, The Director of Built Environment stated that the department were attempting to work closely with the police to enforce laws surrounding this activity.

The Deputy Chairman addressed the committee stating that the Committee did take a decision to reduce expenditure on public conveniences in November 2014, but that the points of enforcement surrounding public urination was a strong one which would be taken up urgently with the City Police. The Director of Built Environment agreed that liaising with police to coordinate enforcement action on this issue was the best course of action.

Resolved.  Members’ views were sought.


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