Agenda item

Education Board Budget Allocation for 2015/16

Joint Report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Director of Community and Children’s Services introduced a report on the Board’s proposed budget allocation for financial year 2015/16. He noted that the proposed budget allocated £500,000 to the City Academies and £150,000 to the Education Unit. There remained flexibility in the budget for the Board to formulate its ‘ask’ for future years.


The Deputy Chairman commented that it would be useful to be given an idea of how much funding was allocated to each strand of the strategy. A member agreed, and noted that some allocations were ill-defined, arguably dissipating value across a myriad of initiatives.


RESOLVED, that members endorse the Education Board’s budget allocation for Financial Year 2015/16 as set out within the report.


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