Agenda item

Issues Report

Report of the City Surveryor.


The Sub Committee received a report of the City Surveyor, which sought approval to reduce the scope of the original project of providing additional function/event guest cloakrooms facilities, and seek funding via the Gateway process.


The Guildhall Assistant Director explained how the report had already been approved by Projects Sub Committee and that it was proposed that a detailed report to approve the development at a cost less than £90,000 was to be put under delegated authority to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of that Sub Committee.


With regard to lockers in the Lady Members’ room, it was stated that the lockers were not long enough for evening dresses but there did not seem to be a strong feeling amongst female Members that this had to be changed.


Members also discussed how the lockers were under-utilised and that many Members are not aware that the lockers area could be used as a cloakroom for Members for evening events.




·         That the original scheme for the West Wing development be amended in favour of only improving the provision of lockers and essential decoration works in both current male and female Member locker rooms, not including toilet and showering facilities, based on the recommendations from the Projects Sub Committee.

·         That the progression via the Gateway Light route seeking the approval of Resources Allocation Sub Committee for funding from the City’s Cash provision for new schemes be approved at a cost of less than £90,000.

·         That the works via the City’s Minor Frameworks be approved with the aim to complete all works during the 2015 summer recess.


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