Agenda item

Strengthening London's Voluntary Sector


The Board received presentations from David Warner from London Funders and Amanda Tincknell from the Cranfield Trust, after which Members of the Committee had the opportunity to ask questions.


Mr Warner advised the Committee that the voluntary sector was going through a period of change and challenge, as local authorities had to make significant cuts. This had resulted in a lack of charitable funding coupled with increased need. Mr Warner reported that many organisations were looking at more innovative ways to deliver services and that there was a growing recognition that more support was needed for charitable infrastructure, i.e. second tier organisations, in place to support front-line services. Mr Warner confirmed that London Funders was working with its partners to challenge the level and structure of existing infrastructure, and advised that the City Bridge Trust and City of London Corporation were uniquely placed to provide leadership in this area.


Ms Tincknell built on Mr Warner’s presentation, speaking specifically about the work Cranfield Trust was doing in London. Members noted that the Cranfield Trust supported charities and other not-for-profit organisations through pro bono management consultancy projects and HR advice and information. Ms Tincknell advised that the organisations being helped by the Cranfield Trust were specialists in delivering their service but required the business expertise of volunteers who in turn were supported by a staff team of regional Project Managers and HR specialists. Ms Tincknell advised that there were three main concerns regarding skills and management: resistance to change; lack of funding for business/management support; and inexperience in planning and forecasting.


In response to Members’ queries, Ms Tincknell advised that many charities didn’t seek to merge until they were already financially unstable, and Mr Warner added that ensuring joined up service provision was the priority. Mr Warner confirmed that London Funders continued to be the voice of the funding community in deliberations, influencing organisations to work together to make the most effective use of limited resources. Mr Warner advised that there was an understanding that the voluntary sector needed to build on its partnership work with other sectors, and Members noted that many charities were already financially stripped to provide services, and had limited funds for ‘invest to save’ schemes.


The Chairman thanked Mr Warner and Ms Tincknell for their presentations.