Agenda item

Education Strategy Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Board considered an update report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services on the Education Strategy 2013-15. The following points were made,


·         The Deputy Chairman suggested that the table of activities should include an assessment of each item’s overall priority, to assist Board members in exercising oversight.


·         The Director of Community and Children’s Services noted that parents would be made aware of both the City of London Academy Islington and The City Academy Hackney’s success in the annual analysis of each academy’s data by the Schools, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT), and the fact that both academies had been invited to SSATs regional celebration ceremony in May 2015.


·         The Chairman commented on the strategic significance of some of the work being carried out on Strand 3, learning and engagement.


·         A paper was tabled setting out the predictions from the academies for their results.  The Chairman observed that these should be brought to the Board earlier in the year in view of the City’s responsibilities as academy sponsor.  The Director agreed that school results and predictions would be reported to the Board more regularly. These reports would include an October report analysing the previous summer’s unvalidated results, and a December report analysing predictions for the following year. Raw results data would be reported to the Board each September. Finally, the Board would receive update reports on predicted grades between January and May. It was agreed that the reports would include historic data to enable trends to be identified and monitored.




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