Agenda item

Appointment of Co-opted Governors

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Co-opted Governors concerned left the room during consideration of the item.


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk which requested that Governors consider the re-appointment of co-opted Governors of the Board for further three year-terms. The Chairman remarked he was content to support the re-appointments.


In answer to a Member’s question the Town Clerk confirmed that such appointments would usually be reviewed in advance of the conclusion of their terms of office.


A Governor, also the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the City of London Freemen’s School, reported that his Board was considering the introduction of a limit of three terms of three years for its co-opted Governors.  


RESOLVED – That Lord Levene, Christopher Martin and Dame Mary Donaldson be re-appointed onto the Board for a further term of three years.


The Cop-opted Governors concerned re-entered the room and were congratulated on their re-appointment.


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