Agenda item

Service Based Review Roadmap

Report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Deputy Town Clerk presenting the latest update of the Service Based Review Roadmap.


Strategic Asset Management

The Deputy Town Clerk reported on the four projects that supported this overarching programme.


1.    Strategic Review of Operational Properties

Members noted that the Departmental Workshops were providing regular updates to Chief Officers and would submit final comments for review to the Review Group, chaired by the Town Clerk. In response to a Member’s query, the Chamberlain advised that the review of Operational Resources had been successful in identifying surplus properties and areas of property, and gave a better understanding of which buildings were most in need of renovation.


2.    Facilities Management

Members noted that meetings with individual Chief Officers were being held to discuss issues with the current arrangements and how these could be improved in future.


3.    Project Management

Members noted that this review was being deferred until later in the programme. Members queried the level of in-house project management, and the Deputy Town Clerk advised that HR were investigating how in-house skills could be built upon to address this.


4.    Procuring and Managing Services

Members noted that this review was in an early stage, but was progressing well.


Income Generation

Members noted that CIPFA’s comparisons of income generation across London Boroughs for 2012-13 were being reviewed to identify areas that need further exploration, and work had been commissioned to determine the extent to which the City Corporation receives external public funding, particularly in comparison with similar organisations.



Members noted that this review was rated ‘Green’ and reports would be coming to Service Committees in the coming months. This review included charities under the Finance Committee, but did not include disaster relief payments.


Effectiveness of Hospitality

Members noted that this review was rated ‘Green’ and the Opportunity Outline had been agreed by the Chief Officer Summit Group. Members requested that the operation of invitation lists be considered as part of this review.


Independent Schools

Members noted that this review was rated ‘Green’ and the Opportunity Outline had been agreed by the Chief Officer Summit Group.


Remodelling Libraries

Members noted a presentation on this review would be considered later in the meeting.


Barbican Centre

Members noted that this review was rated ‘Green’, and requested that the Managing Director of the Barbican Centre be asked to present to the Sub Committee at a future meeting.


RESOLVED – That the Managing Director of the Barbican Centre be asked to present to the Sub Committee at a future meeting, and the report be noted.

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