Agenda item

Performance Monitoring: London-Wide Performance Indicators

Report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Deputy Town Clerk presenting the dashboard of Service Performance Indicators monitored and reported quarterly by London Councils, known as LAPS (London Authorities Performance Solution), for the period October to December 2014. Members received additional information regarding sickness absence figures, as requested at the previous meeting. It was noted that figures broken down by department were reported to Service Committees and monitored centrally by the Establishment Committee. Members requested these be compared with figures from the private sector (if available), and that a follow-up report be provided at the next meeting regarding potential Value for Money indicators.



(a)  Sickness Absence figures be compared with those from the private sector (if available);

(b)  A follow-up report be provided at the next meeting regarding potential Value for Money indicators; and

(c)  The report be noted.

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