Agenda item

Barbican Seating


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment that sought approval to the return of the remaining Barbican Seating improvement project funding to the allocated Reserve committed to the delivery of projects from the Barbican Area Enhancement Strategy.


Members were advised that planters had been utilised by the Open Spaces Department in Golders Hill Park, not Golders Hill Green. Members also noted that owners of the freehold of properties included in the Barbican Estate needed to be included in future public consultations concerning the Barbican Area Enhancement Strategy.



a)    the lessons learnt during the project be noted;

b)    the closure of the project be authorised; and

c)    thereturn of the remaining project funding of £121,725.34 to the allocated pot of On Street Parking Reserve, committed for the delivery of projects from the Barbican Area Enhancement Strategy, be approved.

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