Agenda item


To approve the public minutes and summary of the Barbican Centre Board meeting held on 27 May 2015.


The public minutes and summary of the Barbican Centre Board meeting held on 27 May 2015 were approved, subject to Lucy Frew being recorded as having been present.


Matters Arising


Barbican and Golden Lane Area Strategy: Consultation Response (p8) – the Managing Director advised that, upon further reflection, it had been felt that it would be inappropriate for the Board to send a response on this matter. Management had consequently prepared a response to send independently of the Board and would circulate this to Members for information.


Appointment to Nominations Committee (p7) – With it having been agreed to defer the appointment of an external Member to the Nominations Committee until this meeting, the Chairman advised that Trevor Phillips had since expressed his willingness to serve. It was consequently,

RESOLVED: That Trevor Phillips be appointed to the Nominations Committee for the ensuing year.


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