Agenda item



Photo opportunities involving the Mayoralty

Deputy Alex Deane asked a question of the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen regarding the procedures in place concerning media and photographic opportunities involving the Lord Mayor. In response, the Chairman outlined the process by which prospective meetings and visits were assessed with a view to ensuring that the Lord Mayor was not exposed to any undue risk of negative publicity.


Responding to a supplementary question from Deputy Deane concerning a photograph of the Lord Mayor taken at a recent event in Northern Ireland, the Chairman confirmed that this had been entirely appropriate and in line with procedures.


Operational Property Review

Alderman Tim Hailes asked a question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee seeking clarity as to the strategy in place to maintain the City Corporation’s operational property. The Chairman outlined the work that had been undertaken to date as part of the Operational Property Review, including the identification of potential assets for disposal and the allocation of additional resource for maintenance purposes.


In response to a supplementary question from Alderman Hailes, the Chairman agreed that it would be timely for a report to be brought back to the Court later in the year on the progress that has been made to date.


Markets Review

Patrick Streeter asked a question of the Chairman of the Markets Committee concerning the possibility of a review into the future of Billingsgate and Smithfield markets. In response, the Chairman advised that a strategic review of the City’s three wholesale markets had already been initiated; this would need to be a comprehensive review involving consultation with all interested parties.


In response to a supplementary question from Mr Streeter, the Chairman made clear that any review would need to be undertaken in a thorough and considered manner and would not be rushed. Officers would conduct the review as swiftly as prudently possible and he was hopeful that an initial report would be available for the Markets Committee by the end of the year.


Voter Registration

Tom Sleigh asked a question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee seeking clarity as to the progress of the annual canvas of voters for Ward Lists, including the number of voters in comparison to the previous year and the proportion of the eligible pool of potential voters. In reply, the Chairman set out the latest provisional figures and compared them to previous years, advising that the Policy and Resources Committee would be considering at its next meeting what steps could be taken to increase registration levels ahead of the 2017 elections.


Responding to supplementary questions from Tom Sleigh and James Tumbridge, the Chairman agreed to circulate the figures referred to in his response once they had been confirmed in February. He also noted the previous agreement whereby electoral services officers, at the appropriate stage during the annual canvas, should be contacting those prospective voters who had previously expressed an interest in registering.


In replying to an additional supplementary question from John Fletcher, the Chairman reiterated that the Policy and Resources Committee would be looking at what could be done to increase registration and that thought would need to be given to producing guidance around appropriate methods by which the electorate could be engaged by Members.


In response to a further supplementary question from Keith Bottomley, the Chairman advised that he had only recently become aware of an issue concerning multi-occupied premises, whereby qualifying bodies were not able to register at the same premise as sole traders and partnerships. He noted that identifying the businesses that were located within shared workspaces could also be challenging, advising that the Town Clerk’s Electoral Services and the City Occupier’s Database teams were aware of the issues around registering voters in these types of premises and would continue to attempt to maximise registration at them through good intelligence on which businesses were in occupation, and providing clear advice and guidance to the businesses on the registration process. In addition, the Policy and Resources Committee would also be exploring what more could be done to ensure these new vital businesses had the opportunity to play their part in the democratic process.