To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 24 October 2017.
RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2017 be approved as a correct record subject to the following amendments:
Matters Arising – 6-8 Bishopsgate and 150 Leadenhall Street.
A Member had previously queried the wording in resolutions that the "The Mayor of London be given 14 days’ and thought that there had been agreement that this would be corrected going forward. However resolution 7a still used the old terminology.
It was agreed that going
forwards the wording be changed to "That, subject to any powers
that the Mayor of London may exercise under......", and then the
first recommendation could be removed.
A member stated that the point
previously made was that the signs should not have been there at
all not that they were there early an asked that this be
Matters Arising
Death of a Pedestrian at Ludgate Circus
The Committee was advised that officers had met with TfL and a letter would also be going from the Chairman requesting that urgent action be taken.
Cycle Hire Scheme
The Committee was advised that the issue had been raised with Surface Transport and officers were working with them to find a solution.
Supporting documents: