Agenda item

Principal's General Report

Report of the Principal.


The Committee considered a report of the Principal which updated the Board on current issues at the school, particularly Awards and prizes, summer activities, Summer schools at Guildhall, Centre for Music and a strategic update.


Awards and Prizes

The Principal advised the Board that in addition to the awards and prizes listed within the report, Ashley Fripp was currently competing in the semi-final of the Leeds International Piano Competition. In response to questions from Members regarding the equivalence of prizes for Drama and Technical Theatre in comparison to Music, the Principal explained that Gold Medal winners for all categories were displayed in the School entrance, but it was difficult for prize achievement to be equivalent between the arts due to their different nature. He also explained that his reports would seek to further emphasise the achievements of recent alumni.


The Chairman requested that future reports include details of any significant monetary or scholarship prizes which were won from these awards and prizes to allow the Board to gauge the prestige of the various prizes.


Summer Schools

The Principal reported that the Summer Schools programme had been very successful. He noted that this was particularly pleasing given that it had occurred at the same time as nine capital projects were taking place around the School, from which disruption to the Summer Schools had been minimal. In response to questions from Members, Officers explained that the Summer Schools for Adults and 16-17 year olds had been particularly successful. The West End Stage School was also noted to have been a strong financial success.


RESOLVED – That the Board notes the report.

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