Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding the management and operational activities across the Heath since July 2015. The Superintendent provided some additional information regarding the following matters:




Lido Wall

A pre-start meeting relating to the rebuilding of the boundary walls would take place on 4 October 2015. The Sports Advisory Forum and the Lido User Group would be consulted before this date.


Hill Garden Shelter

A pre-start meeting regarding the tanking works had taken place on 24 September 2015. A contractor had been appointed and the works would start shortly.


Golders Hill Park Zoo Toilets

Temporary toilets had been in use at Golders Hill Park. An additional separation tank would be constructed during autumn/winter as part of the City Surveyor’s Department’s programme of works.




Athlone House

Whilst the planning appeal was dismissed in June 2015, the applicant subsequently submitted an application to judicially review the Planning Inspectorate’s decision. A member (Highgate Society) added that a date for the applicant’s appeal had been scheduled for 20 October 2015.


Water House

The London Borough of Camden (LBC) Development Control Committee were likely to consider the planning application at their October or November meeting. The Superintendent would continue to represent the City Corporation’s key concerns and reasons why the application should be refused. The Superintendent aimed to attend the LBC Development Control Committee meeting.


Schools – William Ellis and Parliament Hill Girls’

The application for the Parliament Hill School, William Ellis School & La Swap Sixth Form was approved by LBC in July 2015.  Conditions attached to the planning consent required further landscaping details to be submitted for approval, which was of interest in the context of previous representations submitted regarding potential impacts on the Heath.  There was also a condition regarding the submission of a final Conservation Management Plan, which may be of interest in the context of the Ponds Project. To date, no applications to discharge the conditions had been submitted. 


Ivy House

Alpha Plus Group had recently purchased the property, which was a site of historic interest, for educational use but a planning application had not been developed yet.



An offender had recently been issued with a fine of £120 plus £330 in costs for an incident relating to dog control.


In response to a member’s (Marylebone Birdwatching Society) question regarding the high amount of medical assistance provided by the Constabulary, the Superintendent advised that this could have been due to an increase in visitor numbers and sporting events. He added that all Constabulary staff were trained in first aid and had access to a defibrillator.


Golders Hill Park

The Park was awarded Gold in the London in Bloom Awards.


Ponds Project


Viaduct Pond

De-silting would be taking place shortly but other than that works were completed. The Superintendent added that turfing had established well, aided by effective protective fencing.


Hampstead No. 1 & 2

Works had started on schedule.


Stock Pond

Preparation works had started.


Ladies’ Pond

A meeting with the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond Association would take place shortly to discuss the programme for the concrete slab and replacement of the chancing facilities.


Model Boating Pond

Some issues with the depth of the silt had resulted in the contractor having to return to install 15 metre steel piling beams in the middle of the Pond. The water level would continue to drop ready for the fish rescue to recommence in October.


Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)

In response to a member’s (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents’ Association) question, the Superintendent advised that spread of OPM on Hampstead Heath would be managed through containment during the 2016 season. The Director of Open Spaces added that the Forestry Commission had worked alongside boroughs to place pheromone traps all over London, which had shown areas in South East London to be most severely affected. The plan for OPM treatment across London in 2016 was yet to be determined.



In response to a member’s (Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Advisory Committee) question, the Superintendent advised that the current approach to cycling on the Heath would not be re-evaluated. However, changes to current signage would be considered in the coming months.


RESOLVED – That the Superintendent’s Update be noted.

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