Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


Lady Members Lockers

The Sub Committee were updated by the City Surveyor’s representative on the recent survey that was carried out to Lady Members of the Court as to their use of the lockers. Out of the Lady Members who responded to the survey there was a general consensus that the lockers did not need to be altered.


One Member in the survey had highlighted the need for new lavatory seats to which it was agreed that this decision could be delegated to the City Surveyor.


The proposals for the current overall refurbishment of the Members locker rooms were addressed and due to the reduced changes in the Lady Members’ locker rooms, it was agreed that a report would come to the next Members Privileges Sub Committee to re-present this entire project with the updated reduced costs.


RESOLVED, that:-


·         The City Surveyor to report back to the Members’ Privileges Sub Committee with revised reduced costs for the entire project


Outstanding Actions Report

A Member asked of the Town Clerk for an Outstanding Actions report to be created from this meeting so that decisions made by the Sub Committee could be kept in check.


RESOLVED, that:-


·         The Town Clerk create an Outstanding Actions report as a standing item on the Members’ Privileges Sub Committee agenda.