Agenda item

Private Fostering Report

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Members discussed the report, noting that communications had been disseminated to raise awareness but still needed to be strengthened to ensure that all those who were private foster parents knew they were such. It was acknowledged that it was vital to know where children were placed at all times and that it was the statutory duty of a school to inform the authority if they knew a child had moved. Officers confirmed that there was Communications Plan in place and that this had also been shared with the City Safeguarding Executive.


Members asked that the paper be presented to the Grand Committee and that members of the Portsoken Ward were made aware of the issue.


RESOLVED – That the report be presented to the Grand Committee, that Portsoken members be informed, and that the report be noted.


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