Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.
The Sub-Committee received a report from the Director of Community and Children’s Services discussing the outcomes of the recent “Notice the Signs” awareness campaign. The campaign had been targeted at residents, Members and staff of the Corporation and had sought to provoke discussion on Safeguarding issues whilst raising awareness of what an adult at risk looked like.
The impact of the scheme had been assessed and the outcomes were seen to be favourable. Engagement throughout the campaign had been high and the benefits were demonstrated by a 27% rise in adult safeguarding referrals from non-professionals. Due to this it was confirmed that the campaign would be ongoing and the materials would be taken to all resident functions.
Members asked that the number of training sessions attended by housing staff of the estates be included in the minutes of the meeting. It was felt to be important that the message reached the Barbican and Golden Lane residents.
RESOLVED – That officers undertake to circulate the attendance data for safeguarding briefings, and that the report be noted.
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