Agenda item


Report of the Remembrancer.




The Board received a report of the Remembrancer regarding the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015.


The Manager of the Community Safety Team of the Town Clerk’s Department referred to the ‘Prevent duty’ which the legislation imposes and encourage Governors to look at the useful on-line Department for Education guidance and added that the City of London Police had offered to provide teaching staff at the School with training on this matter. The Headmaster welcomed this offer and undertook to liaise to make the necessary arrangements. It was also suggested that the usual cross Board training for Governors of the City’s Independent Schools be provided on the ‘Prevent Duty’ subject after the January meeting of this Board at Guildhall.


In answer to Governor’s questions it was indicated that no risks had been identified at the moment and the Manager of the Community Safety Team confirmed that all the Governors possessed equal responsibilities in this matter.



1) the report and the duties placed upon the Board, as described in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the report, be noted; and

2) if possible, the Governors be given training on the subject alongside the Governors of the other City’s Independent Schools after the January 2016 meeting of this Board.



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