Agenda item

Future funding of the Pensioners' Annual Lunch

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk providing options for the future funding of the City of London Pensioners’ Association Lunch.


Members discussed the proposals and agreed that it was appropriate that the grant to the Pensioners’ Association Lunch be reduced, with an increase in the ticket price for attending the lunch. The Committee also noted that it may be necessary to further reduce the grant in future years. The Committee also considered that if there were to be further increases to the ticket price for the Pensioners’ Association Lunch, it would also be appropriate to increase the ticket price of the Staff Annual Lunch, which was currently £11.


Members noted that fixing the grant at £27k would require a subsequent £27k saving to compensate for this, in line with the Service Based Review principles.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:


a)    Notes the response from the Pensioners’ Lunch Organisation Committee following the consultation exercise.

b)    Agrees to adopt the model proposed by the Pensioners’ Lunch Organisation Committee, reducing the total net grant to £27k, with an increase in the price for attending the lunch from £5 to £10 (making an overall Service Based Review saving of £15k).


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