Agenda item

Coexist House Funding

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the progress of the ‘Coexist House’ initiative and a request for funding to support the implementation of the project.


A Member pointed out that Coexist House did not meet the criteria for funding from the Policy Initiatives Fund (PIF). Concern was also expressed about the high level of funding requested and the remaining balance of the Fund should the initiative be supported. It was suggested that the request be referred to the Chief Grants Officer to see if it met the criteria for funding from the City Bridge Trust and, if not, that consideration be given to a more modest one-off payment. Members supported the suggestion.


RESOLVED – That the request for be referred to the Chief Grants Officer to see if it met the criteria for funding from the City Bridge Trust and, if not, that consideration be given to a more modest one-off payment.


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