Agenda item

Local Government Association Representative

Report of Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the formal appointment of the City Corporation’s representative on the General Assembly of the Local Government Association (LGA).


Members expressed support for the appointment of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, for the time being, or his or her representative.


It was also suggested that as the City Corporation was able to cast two votes at the General Assembly a second representative should be appointed. A Member proposed that Alderman Sir David Wootton be appointed as the second representative given his long standing involvement with the LGA. Members supported the suggestions and, in line with the practice elsewhere, agreed to the appointments being endorsed by the Court of Common Council.


RESOLVED – That it be recommended to the Court of Common Council that the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee (for the time being) or his or her representative and Alderman Sir David Wootton to be appointed to serve as the City Corporation’s representatives on the LGA’s General Assembly.


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