Agenda item

Safety Thirst Update

The Licensing Manager to be heard.


The Committee received a verbal update from the Licensing Manager regarding the Safety Thirst Scheme.


The Licensing Manager reported that an Awards evening had been held on 12 October 2015 where 31 premises achieved the award. Two premises had also received the first ever ‘Premises of the Year Award’, these were The Brewery on Chiswell Street and The Forge on Cornhill. The Chairman reported that The Forge had formerly traded as ‘Abacus’ and that the Premises of the Year Award therefore marked an enormous turnaround for this premises and was to be congratulated. She went on to state that this was also testament to the fact that the policies supported by this Committee and the pro-active stance of Officers was effective. She thanked all for their efforts.


The Licensing Manager went on to report that further enhancements to the scheme were now proposed. The Licensing Team were now able to see what training premises staff had undertaken online which would help to streamline the process going forward.


A Member requested that, going forward, they be provided with information as to which premises had applied to the scheme within their Ward so that they could target/encourage those who had not.