Agenda item

Revenue Budgets 2016/17

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection.


Members considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection regarding the revenue budgets overseen by the Committee.


The Chamberlain informed Members that the Paragraph References within the final column of Table 3 (Provisional Revenue Budgets 2016/17) should relate to paragraph 12 and its sub paragraphs and not to paragraph 11.


Members were informed that it had now been decided that street pastors would not be pursued going forward.


Finally, the Chamberlain reported that central recharges had now been finalised and that, under Table 2 (Latest Revenue Budgets 2015/16) the figure for ‘Central Support Services and Capital Charges’ in the column headed ‘Latest Budget 2015/16’ should now read £115k as opposed to £117k. The figure in Table 3 for ‘Central Support Services and Capital Charges’ in the column headed ‘Original Budget 2016/17’ should now read £113k as opposed to £118k.


RESOLVED: That, Members:

·        Approve the latest 2015/16 revenue budget for submission to the Finance Committee;

·        Approve the provisional 2016/17 revenue budget for submission to Finance Committee; and

·        Authorise the Chamberlain, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to revise these budgets for changes in respect of the Late Night Levy and of recharges.

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