To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2016.
The public minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2016 were considered and approved as a correct record.
Car Park Charging (page 2) – The Chairman informed the Committee that the Markets car park report would now be run in parallel with the Department of Built Environment’s wider review of car parks across the City of London. He added that this report would be considered by the Markets Committee at their November meeting.
Strategic Review of Markets (page 2) – The Director reported that the GLA had now decided not to proceed with their intended review of wholesale markets. They were, however, conducting a review of retail markets elsewhere within the GLA. The Director planned to discuss with the GLA whether the wholesale markets could also be added to this review but, failing this, he highlighted that he would need to seek funding from both the Markets and Finance Committee to conduct the City’s own review as it would not be possible to conduct something of this scale in-house.
Heat Damage to Glass Panel (Smithfield) (page 3) – In response to a question, the Superintendent of Smithfield Market reported that, following an investigation, he had been informed that the glass panel shattered in the normal way when placed under stress (in this case heat damage) and did not, therefore, present a safety hazard. He went on to inform the Committee that the panels were held in place by rubber grommets and were designed to shatter in the same way that a car windscreen would when placed under stress. Officers had been informed by those conducting the investigation that the likelihood of a reoccurrence of this was very rare. It was therefore deemed that no further action was necessary.
Spitalfield’s Market Renewal of leases (page 4) – The Director reported that the City were likely to complete on the Spitalfield’s leases in the very near future.
Smithfield Market 150 year Dinner (page 4) – The Director reported that, having discussed the proposal with the Remembrancer’s staff, he would be requesting permission from the Hospitality Working Party to hold the 150 year dinner at Guildhall in 2018.
New Covent Garden Market Visit (page 4) – The Director reported that he would be meeting with the Managing Director of New Covent Garden Market next week to explore the possibility of a future Markets Committee visit to the site.
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