Agenda item

Trade Union Bill

Report of the Remembrancer.


The Committee considered a report of the Remembrancer detailing the provisions of the Trade Union Bill that had been put before Parliament. The principal measures of the Bill were discussed.


A Member asked whether the Corporation was included within the Bill. The Remembrancer advised that the relevant provisions would apply to any “public authority” specified by the Secretary of State. The Remembrancer was seeking to clarify with Government officials the extent to which this may apply to the Corporation.


The Remembrancer advised the Committee that the Government had recently announced that the Bill would also include the abolition of “check-off” within the public sector (whereby employers agree to deduct union subscriptions directly from salaries). The Committee was advised that concerns about the measure had been raised by the Trade Union Representatives at the meeting of the Joint Consultative Committee earlier in the day.


The Committee requested that further updates on the Bill be provided as it progresses through Parliament.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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