Agenda item

Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee Minutes

To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 29 September 2015.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 29 September 2015 be agreed.


Matters Arising


City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Bill

Members noted that a revised working draft of the Bill had been circulated to the Consultative Committee for information on 29 October 2015. Following discussions at the previous meeting, Some members (Heath and Hampstead Society,  Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents Association) explained continued concerns about clauses 6 (letting of premises) and 7 (facilities for events), arguing that more contraints were needed. Another member (Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee) expressed concern about the breadth of activity which could be permitted under clause 10 (control of commercial activity). Other members (London Council for Sport and Recreation, South End Green Association) considered that the clauses should be widely phrased, with limitations to be determined as a matter of policy.


In response to members’ questions, the Remembrancer advised that the Bill would not alter the arrangements for the management of the Heath as between the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee and the Consultative Committee. The Director of Open Spaces advised that the views and comments of the Consultative Committee regarding the grant of new leases would continue to be sought and passed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee for their consideration. The Director added that the Open Spaces Society would be providing their comments on the Bill shortly.


A member (Highgate Society) noted his concerns that the use of the word ‘temporarily’ in clause 7 was too vague and suggested that the open spaces suitable for the grazing of animals be specified. The Superintendent advised that policies specific to each open space would be captured in revised Management Plans, which would also include a separate events policy for each site.


In response to members’ questions about the provisions referred to in clause 4(1), the Remembrancer advised that they were intended to represent the provisions setting out the general principles governing the open spaces rather than operational details.


Supporting documents: