Agenda item


To approve the public minutes and summary of the meeting on 14 September 2015.



RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 14 September 2015 be approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Housing and Planning Bill

In response to a Member’s question, officers advised that the Bill was still going through the House of Commons, but an update report would be provided at the Community & Children’s Services Committee in January 2016. Officers advised that there would no longer be forced sales of high value properties but Local Authorities would have to pay a sum of money each year instead; studio flats were not exempt from the Right to Buy scheme; and changes to Section 106 monies would affect the Building Programme rather than the HRA Business Plan.


Residents’ Celebration Day

The Chairman advised Members that this had taken place on 17th October, and had been well attended and very successful.

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