Agenda item



Air Quality

Patrick Streeter asked a question of the Chairman of the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee concerning the steps that might be taken to tackle poor air quality in the City. In response, the Chairman explained the restrictions around the legal action that could be taken in respect of issuing public health notices to taxis and fixed penalty notices to the drivers of idling vehicles. Notwithstanding these limitations, a significant volume of work had been undertaken with other local authorities, drivers and residents to tackle this issue, and further work was planned. The Chairman made particular reference to the proposed pedestrianisation of Beech Street outlined within the Barbican Area Strategy, which was to be considered later at that meeting.


Responding to a supplementary question from Deputy Stanley Ginsburg concerning potential pollution caused by vehicles sitting in heavy traffic on Middlesex Street, the Chairman of the Planning and Transportation Committee agreed to discuss the matter with the Director of the Built Environment.


Freedom Criteria

Brian Mooney asked a question of the Chairman of the Freedom Applications Committee seeking clarity as to the criteria by which people are nominated for the Freedom of the City. By way of reply, the Chairman provided a summary of the distinction between the various types of Freedom and set out the criteria for nomination applied to each category. 


Shredding Vans

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli asked a question of the Chairman of the Planning and Transportation Committee concerning the impact of confidential shredding vans operating within the City. In response, the Chairman noted the concerns that had been raised and reassured Members that the issue was being looked at seriously. He advised that a report was being prepared for the Planning and Transportation Committee to enable a full and measured consideration to take place.


Traffic Regulations

Alderman Ian Luder asked a question of the Chairman of the Planning and Transportation Committee concerning the possibility of a comprehensive review of traffic regulations in the City. In response, the Chairman agreed that such a review would be appropriate.