Agenda item

National Lead Force: Second Quarter (Q2) Performance Report

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Board received a report of the Commissioner of Police which summarised the performance delivered against the National Policing Fraud Strategy drafted and launched last year by the City of London Police – National Lead for Fraud (NPLF).


The Board commented that the overall performance was positive.


Members noted that the Force remained well above the national average of judicial outcomes which were 21% for Q2 and 35% for Q1 with the Force returning 84% for Q2 and 47% for Q1 respectively.  Some concern was expressed regarding the increase in no further action returns, the national average being 79% in Q2 and 65% in Q1 the COLP returns being 16% in Q2 and 53% in Q1.


The Board discussed the service delivery to victims of fraud and ensuring that PCC’s were offering the best advice possible.  Members were informed that a future piece of work would involve a discussion with PCC’s around the benefits of Action Fraud.


KPI 4.1 – Impact and reach of training and strategy delivery – feedback from delegates was requested as part of the performance report to the next Board.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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