To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2012 (copy attached).
The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July were agreed as a correct record.
Hampstead Heath – Public Sex Environment Outreach Work (item 3).
The Superintendent advised that the Constabulary Manager had recently arranged a litter-picking event with ten volunteers from the Terrence Higgins Trust and the Camden Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Forum.
Superintendent’s Update (item 6).
The Chairman advised that the Visitor 1 sculpture would remain on the Heath until 15 November 2012.
The Conservation Manager advised that the team believed the Oak Processionary Moth was not present on the Heath. In response to a request from Michael Hammerson, the Superintendent advised that photos of the Moth would be placed on the Heath website in order to help members of the public identify it.
‘Wild About Hampstead Heath' Project Application Update (item 10).
The Superintendent advised that he had recently met with the new Projects Officer from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and that the project initiation, following the successful award of a Heritage Lottery grant was progressing smoothly. It was anticipated that the Football Pavilion would be used as a workspace for volunteers and RSPB officers and the Golders Hill glasshouse would be used as an education resource.
Dog Control Orders (item 11).
In response to a query from Colin Gregory, the Superintendent clarified that he was currently awaiting the findings of the ongoing trial on Burnham Beeches before circulating a report on dog control orders on possible implementation on the Heath. Ian Harrison advised that he hoped to see the report submitted to the Committee by no later than November 2013.
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