Agenda item

Public Protection Service Update

Report of the Port Health & Public Protection Director – Department of Markets and Consumer Protection.



The Committee received a report of the Port Health and Public Protection Director, which provided an update on the Public Protection Service, as follows:


Late night levy – a report would be presented to the Licencing Committee in January.


Chuggers – Police and Public Protection officers were gauging activity and communicating with the Public Fundraising Association as to what constitutes ‘acceptable activity’.  The Director advised that he had taken Counsel’s opinion and, in 2013, the Policy and Resources Committee had agreed a possible sanction.  The Director agreed to discuss this further with the Remembrancer and to undertake some research into activities and enforcement action taken in other local authorities. 


Fraud – The Team were working with Banks on Operation Broadway; i.e. large scale and sudden withdrawals and investments which were outside usual patterns of activity.  Trading standards were engaging with Community and Children’s Services officers who work with vulnerable residents. 


General – the Team had worked with Southwark to remove nut sellers from London Bridge. The Director agreed to investigate an ice cream van which regularly parks on an iconic site on the Bridge. 


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