To follow – Members will receive an oral update at the meeting.
The Committee received an oral update and the London Fire Brigade’s monthly statistics were tabled. Members noted that next year would mark the 150th Anniversary of the London Fire Brigade and the 350 year commemoration of the Great Fire of London.
In respect of the terrorist activity in Paris on 13th November, Members noted that all responsible personnel had been engaged and equipment checked but there would be no change to the current level of strategic management of the terrorist threat. The Police representative confirmed the same position.
Dowgate Ward had met with TfL in respect of the Cycle Superhighway and were confident that this was being planned well, with the contraflow moving further East. Members noted that there would be a contraflow in Upper Thames Street for some time and a 20mph speed limit had been imposed in the tunnel to mitigate the risk.
Members noted the imminent 30% budget cuts to the service. The Brigade were seeking financial support to recruit more cadets.