Agenda item

Smithfield Market - Condenser Water Cooling System - update

Report of the City Surveyor.


N.B. This Item is to be read in conjunction with the appendix at Item No. 12.



The Committee received a report of the City Surveyor providing a summary of three operating incidents that occurred on the Smithfield Market condenser water cooling system in July, August and September 2015.


In response to a question regarding the current, artificially low, operating temperature of the system, the City Surveyor reported that he had discussed this matter with the SMTA at a meeting in August 2015. Since this meeting, he had put together a schedule of the system’s performance over the summer months and the Superintendent would be writing to the SMTA with this information explaining the City’s plans to raise the operating temperature of the system. He stated that he did not envisage these plans being problematic.


In response to questions around the replacement and routine inspection of fridge and freezer equipment, the City Surveyor reported that there were plans to replace key components of the operating system (pump and pipes) beginning next year, He added that the maintenance and replacement of tenants’ equipment was, however, their responsibility. He acknowledged that not all tenants’ equipment was functioning as well as officers would like.


With regard to the current operating temperature of 20 degrees centigrade, the City Surveyor stated that there had been no formal agreement on this but that it had become the ‘norm’ for some time. He clarified that the system was originally designed to operate at 28 degrees centigrade and that current plans were to slowly increase the temperature to approximately 25 degrees as a reasonable compromise.


The Superintendent of Smithfield Market reported that his staff were currently discussing obligations with tenants and had sought a clear steer on their servicing and regular maintenance cycles. The matter as also being discussed with the Comptroller & City Solicitor to ensure that the City Corporation were fulfilling their obligations.


In response to a question, the City Surveyor confirmed that the system required more power, water and chemicals to operate at 20 degrees as opposed to a higher temperature and that it was the City Corporation who paid for this. If the operating temperature were to be elevated as planned, the tenants’ equipment would be required to work harder.


A Member expressed his concerns at the wear on tear on the operating system whilst it was operating outside of specifications.


RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of the report.

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