Agenda item

Any other Business that the Chairman considers urgent


The Board considered an item of urgent business regarding the Prevent Strategy. Governors were advised that the prevention of radicalisation amongst pupils had been introduced to the Strategy. All staff had received relevant training at the start of the school year to make them aware of how to report instances of suspected radicalisation as part of the safeguarding procedure. It had recently become part of the PSHE curriculum, as well as being discussed in assemblies and in other relevant subjects.


In response to Governors’ questions, the Assistant Head (Pastoral) advised that no instances had been reported yet and staff were monitoring social media groups associated to the School. She added that the matter would be raised with parents as part of an educational programme on child internet safety. In response to a Governor’s suggestion, she advised that consultation with Schools in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets who had experienced cases of radicalisation would be considered.