Agenda item

London's Natural Environment


The Committee received a presentation from Debbie Leach, Chief Executive of Thames 21, after which Members had the opportunity to ask questions.


Ms Leach advised the Committee that Thames 21 was one of the country’s leading waterway charities, working with communities across Greater London to improve London’s rivers, canals, ponds and lakes for people and wildlife. She reported that the strategic grant from the City Bridge Trust had enabled the charity to maximise the activities and support they offered, and to create a development programme to reach more people and increase the level of impact on individuals and communities. Ms Leach advised that Thames 21 were seeking to ensure the sustainability of involvement, and increase the number of volunteering opportunities; engagement with the rivers offered a wide-range of benefits to wellbeing, as well as fostering community spirit and enabling people to take responsibility for the environment in which they lived.


In response to Members’ questions, Ms Leach reported that the environmental sector was seeing a positive level of engagement, with a growing awareness of green spaces and their benefits. Although monitoring of the benefits to people’s wellbeing had previously been poor, Members noted that Thames 21 had anecdotal evidence and were keen to improve the quality of available data. Ms Leach advised that it was crucial to reinforce the need to preserve green spaces, particularly as pressure on land for development was increasing.


With regard to educational programmes, Ms Leach agreed that it was important that children had the opportunity to engage with the environment in a safe and supervised way, and advised that Thames 21 were looking to expand what they currently offered young people. Members discussed restoration projects and access to waterways, noting the success in opening up the Quaggy in Lewisham. Ms Leach informed the Committee that the Catchment Partnerships in London Group (CPiL), of which Thames 21 was a member, was actively working to involve communities and other stakeholders in restoring local rivers and improving access to rivers. With regard to the high levels of houseboats, she advised that Thames 21 tried to foster communication between parties in order to find a solution.


The Chairman thanked Ms Leach for her presentation.