Agenda item

Service Charge Expenditure and Income Account - Latest Approved Budget 2015/16 and Original Budget 2016/17

Report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


 The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which set out the latest approved budget for 2015/16 and the original 2016/17 budget for revenue expenditure, to be included within the service charge in respect of dwellings. 


Members raised a number of queries in respect of cyclical repairs and charges, specifically in that they would increase as the building ages.  Officers advised that item 12 on today’s agenda (Asset Maintenance Plan) sought to respond to these queries and present a longer term, strategic solution. 


Members also asked if the layout of future reports could be revised to include the original budget, alongside the latest approved budget, rather than showing it in a separate table or appendices. Members noted that the format for the budget reports had been approved across the City of London Corporation, following consultation with Members.  However, the Chamberlain’s representative would take this suggestion back to the Financial Services Director and the Chairman of the Finance Committee and seek to produce a bespoke format for reporting to the Barbican Residential Committee (BRC).


RESOLVED, that:-


1.     The provisional 2016/17 Revenue Budget be approved for submission to the Finance Committee, subject to future reports being in the format suggested above. 


2.     The Chamberlain be authorised to review these budgets to allow for further implications arising from departmental reorganisations and other reviews and corporate projects.


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