Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets - Latest Approved Budget 2015/16 and Original 2016/17 - Excluding dwellings service charge income and expenditure

Report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


 The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which sought approval to the provisional revenue budget for 2016/17 and approval of the draft capital budget.


Members asked if the format could be revised, in accordance with the request made under Agenda item 9. Members also asked for further information in respect of the methodology behind the change in capital charging and the Chamberlain’s officer agreed to circulate this after the meeting. 


Following further queries about the increase in capital charges due to revaluation of the flats and baggage stores, and particularly as there was an error in the report, whereby ‘renovation’ should have said ‘revaluation’, it was moved by Mr Bain-Stewart, seconded by Mr Boden and subsequently agreed to defer this report to a Special Meeting of the Barbican Residential Committee.  The Town Clerk agreed to arrange a Special Meeting in the middle/latter part of January and the Chamberlain undertook to produce an updated report as soon as possible.




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