Agenda item

Annual Review of Recognised Tenant Associations (RTAs) 2015

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk in respect of the Annual Review of RTAs.  The Town Clerk was pleased to advise that all the House Groups which had applied had achieved their RTA status and retained their status from last year. 


At the time of despatching the agenda, Ben Jonson House Group had not held a quorate Annual General Meeting but this had taken place successful on 9th December 2015 and the House Group would be exercising ‘opt-in’ Membership. This latest information therefore confirmed their RTA status.


Members noted the significance of achieving RTA status and supported officers in encouraging all house groups to apply. 


RESOLVED, that – formal recognition of the House Groups and Barbican Association, as set out in the report, be confirmed, until the next Annual Review in 2016.


Supporting documents: