Agenda item

Concrete Testing and Repairs

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee considered an Issue Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of Concrete Testing and Repairs at the Barbican Estate, which would also be presented to the Projects Sub Committee in January 2016.   The report sought to alter the budget structure, as the previous report had not been explicit about the provision for some of the repair budget to be drawn down prior to the ‘Options Appraisal’ at the next Gateway.  Members were reminded that the budget structure could not be altered without Committee approval. 


In response to more general queries about the concrete works, Members were reminded that the matter was now with the Comptroller and City Solicitor in order to determine the final position.  There was some concern expressed about the length of time it was taking to reach a conclusion, particularly as some residents had raised queries about the condition of the concrete on the estate some time ago. Furthermore, some leaseholders (i.e. the Roof Committee for Andrewes House) felt that they had paid for unsatisfactory repairs previously and would not want to see a repetition.


RESOLVED, that - the formal alteration of the budget approved at the previous Gateway (from £310,000 to £600,000) be approved.  (This will be broken down into two budgets, testing at £262,167 and repairs at £337,833).


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