Agenda item

Asset Maintenance Plan

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which provided Members with an update on the work of the Asset Maintenance Working Party.  Members noted that an audit and gap analysis of all the assets on the Barbican Estate had been carried out and condition surveys would be produced for those components in the gap analysis. 


At the Barbican Estate Residents Consultation Committee (RCC) on 30th November 2015, Members noted that the Working Party had expressed a wish to retain their group, with its specific skills set, to ensure progress beyond the gap analysis.


Some Members of the Barbican Residential Committee reminded officers that they had been previously asked for this work to be undertaken and welcomed it.  However, they also stressed that it must have a strategic outlook and reflect the Barbican Estate’s unique position.  Alongside this work, Members felt it would be helpful to have a report on the breakdown of the various assets; i.e. parts, fixtures, ground rent and maintenance and the respective liabilities under landlord and tenant law. 




1.     The report be noted


2.     Condition Surveys be carried out for those assets which form part of the gap analysis, in order that the Asset Maintenance Plan be developed.


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