Agenda item

Car Parking Charging

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


13.      Car Parking Charging

The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which sought approval of the charging policy for car parking, on the Barbican Estate, for another year. 


Members expressed the following concerns about this report:


  • It represented a fundamental change in policy; i.e. from the previous RPI linked charging structure. 
  • It may cause residents to park elsewhere.
  • There are already a large number of empty bays.
  • Cheaper parking is available at London Wall.


In response to a query about an urgent decision taken to lease 35 bays, Members noted that this had not gone ahead as planning permission had been refused.  However, Members were reminded that officers had been tasked with exploring and developing commercial opportunities for unused car park areas and would continue to do so. 


In concluding, Members agreed to defer this report to March, when a further report on income generation in respect of car parking and baggage stores had been scheduled. 





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