Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.
Members had provided officers with several questions prior to the meeting. The summaries of these, and those questions asked at the meeting, are presented in italics under each corresponding item.
The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services regarding the City of London Safeguarding Policy, which had been renewed and brought in-line with new legislation and guidance. Members discussed the report and made some suggestions to clarify wording and terms used in the Policy.
How is this policy shared with staff, and how will the Sub Committee know that the implementation of the Policy is effective?
Officers advised that Service Managers in Community and Children's Services ran regular Safeguarding Forums with champions, and there were safeguarding leads in all departments to cascade key information to staff. Human Resources were aware of staff involvement, and safeguarding objectives were being used in the appraisal process. With regard to Members’ awareness, it was agreed that this be discussed at the informal workshop being held in the New Year.
What is the difference between Safeguarding Champions and Safeguarding Leads?
Officers advised that Safeguarding Leads were formal roles, whereas Champions were volunteers liaising between staff in their team and the Safeguarding Leads.
RESOLVED – That the Policy be approved, subject to the inclusion of Members’ comments.
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