Agenda item

Any other Business that the Chairman considers Urgent


There were three urgent items:


Dame Henrietta Moore

The Managing Director advised that Henrietta Moore, one of the Board Members of the Barbican Centre Trust, had been awarded a damehood in the New Year’s Honours List. The Board RESOLVED to record its congratulations to Dame Henrietta accordingly.


Nominations Committee

With the terms of two long-serving Members of the Board due to expire in 2017, the suggestion had been made that it would be appropriate to appoint one of the two Members to the Nominations Committee to provide additional input to long-term thinking as to their succession. It was therefore RESOLVED that Keith Salway be appointed to the Nominations Committee.


Alarm: Exhibition Hall 1 Substation

The Deputy Chairman advised the Board of an incident that had occurred over the Christmas period, whereby an alarm had begun to sound intermittently in one of the substations connected to Exhibition Hall 1. Due to a combination of factors, it had taken three days to resolve the issue and prevent the alarm from sounding, causing considerable distress and inconvenience to a number of residents.


A report would be presented to the next meeting once a full investigation in to the incident had concluded. The Deputy Chairman stressed that it would be critical to identify the lessons learnt and how a repeat could be prevented, as well as how rapid responses could be ensured should it be impossible to make them completely unavoidable. It would also be vital to learn lessons on the handling of such issues, particularly in respect of communication with residents. He instructed officers to ensure that an apology was delivered to affected residents before the date of the next meeting.